Shahdezh Castle of Nehbandan: a strong fortress in the heart of the desertShahedezh Castle, known as Shadiz Castle, is located 6 kilometers east of Nehbandan and at the foot of Shahedezh Mountain. This castle, which is one of the largest mountain castles in Iran, is more than 2000 years old, and is an outstanding example of military architecture during the Sassanid era.History:Sasanian era: Shahdezh Castle was built during the Sasanian era. The strategic location of the castle on the route of caravans and trade routes doubled its importance in the past. This castle was actually a mountain city that had all the necessary facilities for life.Development during the Ismaili era: Shahdezh Castle was expanded and renovated a lot during the Ismaili era. The Ismailis chose it as one of their main bases due to its strategic location and strong defensive facilities. Using skilled engineers and architects, they renovated and expanded the castle and added new parts such as the tower and rampart, central courtyard, rooms, stables, water tanks and air conditioning system.Attacks and destruction: Shahedezh Castle has been attacked and destroyed many times throughout its history. It was destroyed last time during the Qajar period by the Qajar. Despite these attacks and destructions, Shahdezh Castle is still standing and is considered one of the tourist attractions of the region.Architecture:Materials: Shahdezh Castle is built with local materials such as stone, clay and mud. The thickness of the walls of the castle in some places reaches more than 5 meters, which indicates its very high strength.Different parts: Shahdezh Castle has different parts such as high fence, tower and rampart, entrance gate, central courtyard, rooms, stables, water tanks and air conditioning system.
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