Barnabad petroglyphs: a treasure of rock art in Razavi KhorasanBarnabad petroglyphs are a collection of carvings and inscriptions on rocks near Barnabad village in Razavi Khorasan province. These petroglyphs date back to the pre-historic and historical periods, making them one of the most important collections of petroglyphs in Iran.The subjects of the motifs are very diverse and include images of animals such as antelopes, cows, horses and rams, humans hunting and fighting, as well as religious and ritual symbols and symbols. The inscriptions on the petroglyphs are also in different scripts and languages and provide valuable information about the history and culture of the region.Barnabad petroglyphs were registered in the list of national works of Iran in 2002. Unfortunately, this collection faces various risks such as carving new motifs, intentional and unintentional destruction, and natural erosion.
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