The art of alamat sazi Iran: a legacy of art and belief
The art of alamat sazi one of the beautiful manifestations of Iran's traditional arts, which is rooted in religious beliefs and mourning rituals. Marks are tall and decorated structures that are usually moved during mourning ceremonies, especially during the month of Muharram, as a symbol of the scholar of Karbala, Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (AS).
History of alamat sazi
Although the exact roots of this art go back to the distant past, the modern form of symbols is more popular since the Safavid period. In this period, due to the importance given by the Safavids to art and handicrafts, the art of alamat sazialso flourished and Isfahan artists reached the peak of this art.
Characteristics of Iranian symbols
* Variation in shape and size: alamats are made in different sizes and shapes. From small and simple alamat to large and complex alamat with lots of decorations.
* Raw materials: wood, metal, fabric and other decorative materials are usually used to make alamat.
* Decorations: Alamat are decorated with all kinds of decorations, including inlaying, inlaying, writing, inscriptions, mirroring, and decorative fabrics.
* Symbology: Each component of the alamat has a specific symbology. For example, the blade above the alamat symbolizes the sword of Hazrat Abul Fazl, and the cloths hanging from it symbolize mourning flags.
Steps to make an alamat sazi
The construction of a alamat has several stages, including dealamat, skeleton construction, decoration, assembly and installation. Each of these steps requires high precision and skill.
Important marking centers in Iran
As the cradle of Iran's art and industry, Isfahan has long been known as the symbol-making pole. Also, other cities such as Tehran, Qom and Mashhad are also active in this field.